mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
19c-writing-group [no description available]
Abghdrenquiries Student enquires regarding HDR opportunities in AGBU or Animal Science
Abmembers Academic Board Members
Abobservers [no description available]
Abstudents [no description available]
Academic_Board_Standing_Committee [no description available]
Adjunct-st see st-adjunct
AdminAssist Mailing list for administrative staff
Africa Listserv for UNE-African Asso. & Friends
Africaplan [no description available]
Agbuseminar Agbuseminar
Agss-academic [no description available]
Agss-general-staff [no description available]
Agss-postgrads [no description available]
Ahug [no description available]
Al-Massryeen [no description available]
Allcoordinators [no description available]
Altc-info [no description available]
Alumni.nocontact [no description available]
Animal-science-academics [no description available]
Animal-science-general-staff [no description available]
Animal-science-postgrads [no description available]
Animal_science_seminars_members [no description available]
Animeune [no description available]
Antar Mailing list of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation Armidale
Anzcies-exec [no description available]
AQuA [Armidale Queer Assocation - AQuAssociation]
ARAR ARAR is the mailing list of Armidale Rural Australians for Refugees
Armidalequakers [no description available]
ARPA [no description available]
Arts-all [no description available]
Arts-research Research Opportunities and Events--School of Arts, UNE
artsci-academics Arts and Sciences academic staff
artsci-adminstaff Arts & Sciences Administrative Staff
artsci-allstaff An email list for staff in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
artsci-general For all administrative and technical staff in the faculties of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and The Sciences
artsci-postgrads For postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Artsci-techstaff For technical staff in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Artsinfo [no description available]
ATS Animal Tissue Sharing
AURG This is the mailing list of the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group
AURGorg List of the AURG organising group
Austin [no description available]
Beef-crc-technet Beef CRC Tech Transfer List
Bepp-mkt-sub BEPP Marketing Subcommittee
Biosyst Systematics Teaching Team Communication
Botany-all [no description available]
Botany-phd Botany PhD
Botany-staff [no description available]
Bplan [no description available]
BPP-facilitators [no description available]
BradleyReview [no description available]
Brain [no description available]
Buddha-Dharma Armidale & Area Buddhist Information
Bus-osse300500 [no description available]
Business_all [no description available]
Business_hdr [no description available]
Business_hdrstudents [no description available]
Business_staff [no description available]
Cardusers [no description available]
Casi-team [no description available]
Childsymposium [no description available]
Civilenvengacademics [no description available]
Civilenvenggeneralstaff [no description available]
CNC Community Network Committee
Courseloop-community [no description available]
COVID-19_Academic_Response_Team [no description available]
CPSU UNE Staff members in The General Staff Union
CREC-members List for the Centre for Research in International Education and Sustainability
Crnmembers [no description available]
CS-matters Computer Science Matters
CSA UNE Chinese Student Association
Curriculum_Committee [no description available]
CWG2012FOL Courses Working Group PR2012FOL
De-students [no description available]
Deviance Sociological Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
Duxopsc [no description available]
DuxSteeringCommittee CAUC Phase 3 Steering Committee including optional attendees
Dvcsg [no description available]
Earthsciacademics [no description available]
Earthscigeneralstaff [no description available]
Earthscipostgrads [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtacademics [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtgeneral [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtpostgrad [no description available]
EcosystemServicesNetwork Ecosystem Services Network
Ed-action [no description available]
Edcx Education Contexts TRG list
Edenterpriseteam [no description available]
Edu-acadgen [no description available]
Edu-all [no description available]
Edu-cas [no description available]
Edu-cas-curric [no description available]
Edu-cas-ece [no description available]
Edu-cas-lpdi [no description available]
Edu-cas-stem [no description available]
Edu-other [no description available]
Edu-postgrad [no description available]
Edu-workload [no description available]
Enviro-collective [no description available]
Enviroweeds [no description available]
Epcalumni [no description available]
eResearchers [no description available]
ERS-Research-Casuals ERS-Research-Casuals
Ers-tech-officers [no description available]
ERS-UnitAssistance-Casuals ERS-UnitAssistance-Casuals
Ersacademic Environmental and Rural Science Academic Staff
Ersecr [no description available]
Ersgeneralstaff Environmental and Rural Science Professional (General) Staff
Ershonorary-adjunct Environmental and Rural Science Honorary_Adjunct Staff
Ershonours Environmental and Rural Science Honours Students
Erspostgrad Environmental and Rural Science Postgraduate Students
Eso-olx [no description available]
Faculty-HASSE [no description available]
FacultyADR Faculty Assistant Director Research
Facultyofmh-faculty-staff [no description available]
FacultyofSABL Faculty of SABL Staff LIst
Feds [no description available]
Fgirgerm German Academic Reading
Flexibleonline The mailing list for Flexible and online learning (FOL)
Fren2 For students of 2nd year French language at UNE
Fs10 [no description available]
GAPS A mailing list that is used to inform members of the Geography and Planning Society
GISUserGroup [no description available]
Graduates [no description available]
Hanover-research [no description available]
Hass-cas-archclashist [no description available]
Hass-cas-creartcom [no description available]
Hass-cas-gepl [no description available]
Hass-cas-litlangcult [no description available]
Hass-cas-spi [no description available]
Hass-casualstaff [no description available]
Hass-honorarystaff [no description available]
Hasschat [no description available]
Hasse-adjuncts [no description available]
Hasse-cas-all [no description available]
Hasshdrcandidates [no description available]
Hdr-supervisors [no description available]
Healthandsafetyg4 [no description available]
Healthhdrstudents Health HDR Students
Healthsupervisors [no description available]
Helpdesktest [no description available]
Higher-education-inthemedia Daily media coverage of the higher education sector
Highered [no description available]
Homereaders [no description available]
Honours-st see st-honours
HoS Heads of School
hrms-users [no description available]
I330 [no description available]
Iipm [no description available]
Imsa-une UNE Mosque
Indians_UNE For Indians at UNE and in Armidale
Indoorsoccer Info for lunchtime soccer at SportUNE 1pm Mon Wed Fri
Info-nucleus For staff with the Sheep CRC Information Nucleus
Inplace-list [no description available]
Insectecologylab Insect Ecology Lab updates and notices
ISemail International Students
Itdnotifications [no description available]
Iteca [no description available]
Itsdtestlist [no description available]
Jclub [no description available]
JCS Japanese Cultural Society
Lagoons_heritage Cultral landscapes research: Lagoons
Lambs Lambs
Latinos Latino Americans in Armidale
Law_students_2020 [no description available]
Lawcasualstaff [no description available]
Lawhdrstudents [no description available]
Lawstaff Strictly for staff of the Law School
LDD [no description available]
LearningFutures [no description available]
LearningSupport [no description available]
Leemembers [no description available]
Library Library Staff List
Libraryplus Library staff plus extras
Lt-ops [no description available]
Marketing-staff [no description available]
Maths-problems [no description available]
Mba731-mal [no description available]
Mcbooth [no description available]
McClymont [no description available]
MemorialCultureNetwork [no description available]
Mental_health_research_group [no description available]
Mentor AWE support for mentoring
Moodle-mentors [no description available]
Mpa-engagement [no description available]
Mpatest [no description available]
natcinemas COMM383 Film Genre
Nationaldays [no description available]
Nauru-Students [no description available]
Nercha [no description available]
NETEN Nambucca Education, Training and Employment Network
New-England-Muslims New England Muslims
Nsw-seqld-schools [no description available]
NTEU-discussion [no description available]
Nurses Nursing Lecturers
Nursing-Course-Team [no description available]
Odlaa-memb For members of Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia
Openaccess [no description available]
Ozentomology Forum for Australian entomologists
PAA Power and Authority reading group
paf PaF is the mailing list of UNE and Community for Peace and Freedom
Palaeoscience_research_centre Palaeoscience Research Centre Mailing List
Pargstaff [no description available]
Pdaloccupants [no description available]
Peace [no description available]
PGradAssoc The UNE Posgraduate Student Association promotes the welfare and quality of services for postgraduate students at UNE.
policy-official News about updated, new or retired UNE Policies
Post-harvest [no description available]
Postgrads-st See st-postgrads
postgradsHDR UNE Postgraduate HDR Students
Prism [no description available]
Professoriate UNE Professoriate email list
Profpsych-placement-coordinators [no description available]
PSC [no description available]
Psych-clinical-team Psychology Clinical Team
Psychclinicstudents Psychology Clinic Students
Publicationgroup List for members of publications group
Publicity UNE PR Office
Pvcer-staff [no description available]
PWG2012FOL [no description available]
Raptor [no description available]
Res-services [no description available]
Research_Committee [no description available]
Researchparticipation001 [no description available]
Researchparticipation002 [no description available]
Researchparticipation003 [no description available]
Researchparticipation004 [no description available]
Researchparticipation005 [no description available]
Researchparticipation006 [no description available]
Researchparticipation007 [no description available]
Researchparticipation008 [no description available]
Researchparticipation009 [no description available]
Researchparticipation010 [no description available]
RIA Research Integrity Advisors - RIA
Runride-l Early morning run/ride group
Sanctuary [no description available]
Sarg [no description available]
Sc-CustomerService Staff members in SC Customer Service
SC2012FOL [no description available]
School-arts-research [no description available]
School-of-hass [no description available]
SchoolofEducation [no description available]
SEstaff Student Experience Business Unit
Sgadatabase Discussion of Sheep Genetics Australia database and development issues
Shum-adjuncts Adjuncts and Honoraries (Humanities)
Shut_up_and_write Academic writing tips and tricks for researchers
SiMERR-Admins SiMERR's Admin staff
SiMERR-All SiMERR staff
Simerr-list [no description available]
SiMERR-Notifications [no description available]
Simerr-qs List for SiMERR QuickSmart operational staff
sis-team [no description available]
SoLAnews [no description available]
Sos [no description available]
SoTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Srm-hdr-research [no description available]
Srm-mim SRM Stakeholders
st-academicstaff Academic staff in S&T
st-adjunct Adjunct staff in S&T
St-cas-biomed st-cas-BIOMED (Biomedical Science)
St-cas-chemphys st-cas-CHEMPHYS (Chemistry & Physics)
St-cas-compsci st-cas-COMPSCI (Computer Science)
St-cas-excsc st-cas-EXCSCI (Exercise and Sport Science)
St-cas-mathstat st-cas-MATHSTAT (Mathematics & Statistics)
st-honours Honours students in Science & Technology
st-postgrads Postgrad Students in Science & Technology
st-staff School of Science & Technology staff
st-tutors [no description available]
Staff-reps-unecouncil-news [no description available]
staff-ST See st-staff
StAlbertsAlumni St Albert's College Alumni Members
State_Super [no description available]
strategic-ohs Strategic Committee UNE OH&S
Studentcentre-it [no description available]
Swimfit [no description available]
Talloires Sustainability at UNE
Iipm [no description available]
Teaching_Learning_Committee Teaching and Learning Committee
Testlist [no description available]
Thea-313 This is the 2002 on-line discussion group for students of Theatre Studies 313.
Thea301 The Classic Play and Performance Now
Thea317 Australian Theatre History
Thehub [no description available]
tlcstaff Staff members of TLC
Toastmasters New England Toastmasters
Transmx [no description available]
Trimusers UNE TRIM Users
UES U.N.E. Economics & Business Society
uescouncil [no description available]
une-cms UNE Web Content Management System Information
Une-eb This list is for Enterprise Bargaining discussions only.
Une-employment [no description available]
Une-events List for UNE announcements and notifications
Une-ideas [no description available]
Une-isa International Students' Association
UNE-peopleandculture [no description available]
Une-research Research Grants Information
Une-scuba UNE Scuba Club mailing list
Une-systems-bulletins [no description available]
Une-travel-notifications [no description available]
Une_leadership_2008 Leadership 2008
UNEGreens A Part of the National Greens on Campus Network
uneinthemedia UNE's daily news summary
Unemacdev UNE Macintosh Developers Forum
Unentas-happenings UNE and Northern Tablelands Astronomical Society
Uneoac The UNE Outdoor Adventure Club
UNESEX UNE Sexualities Research Group
unesis-list UNESIS Users
Unesmart UNE Student Marketing & Recruitment Team
unets UNE Third Space
Uneunderwaterhockey [no description available]
UnicefUL Unicef University Liason email list
Unifinone FinOne User Group
Unitdatabase [no description available]
Unix-questions [no description available]
Unsupported-devices [no description available]
URP-jobs Information on jobs in planning
Water-harvest [no description available]
wg1-ohs Working Group 1 UNE OH&S
wg8-ohs Working Group 8 UNE OH&S
Women_in_leadership women_in_leadership
Womenaded Women in Adult Education
Writeeveryday Get accountability to build a Daily Writing habit.
Writing-support-group [no description available]
wvstudents Wright Village Students
Year-three-srm-2016 [no description available]
Year4tcs2017 [no description available]
Year5tcs2017 [no description available]
Zoology-academic [no description available]
Zoology-adjunct [no description available]
Zoology-general-staff [no description available]
Zoology-hdr [no description available]
Zoology-research-project-staff [no description available]
Zoologyalumni Zoologyalumni

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