Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
19c-writing-group [no description available]
Abghdrenquiries Student enquires regarding HDR opportunities in AGBU or Animal Science
Abmembers Academic Board Members
Abobservers [no description available]
Abstudents [no description available]
Academic_Board_Standing_Committee [no description available]
Adjunct-st see st-adjunct
AdminAssist Mailing list for administrative staff
Africa Listserv for UNE-African Asso. & Friends
Africaplan [no description available]
Agbuseminar Agbuseminar
Agss-academic [no description available]
Agss-general-staff [no description available]
Agss-postgrads [no description available]
Ahug [no description available]
Al-Massryeen [no description available]
Allcoordinators [no description available]
Altc-info [no description available]
Alumni.nocontact [no description available]
Animal-science-academics [no description available]
Animal-science-general-staff [no description available]
Animal-science-postgrads [no description available]
Animal_science_seminars_members [no description available]
Animeune [no description available]
Antar Mailing list of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation Armidale
Anzcies-exec [no description available]
AQuA [Armidale Queer Assocation - AQuAssociation]
ARAR ARAR is the mailing list of Armidale Rural Australians for Refugees
Armidalequakers [no description available]
ARPA [no description available]
Arts-all [no description available]
Arts-research Research Opportunities and Events--School of Arts, UNE
artsci-academics Arts and Sciences academic staff
artsci-adminstaff Arts & Sciences Administrative Staff
artsci-allstaff An email list for staff in the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
artsci-general For all administrative and technical staff in the faculties of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and The Sciences
artsci-postgrads For postgraduate students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Artsci-techstaff For technical staff in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Artsinfo [no description available]
ATS Animal Tissue Sharing
AURG This is the mailing list of the Armidale Urban Rivercare Group
AURGorg List of the AURG organising group
Austin [no description available]
Beef-crc-technet Beef CRC Tech Transfer List
Bepp-mkt-sub BEPP Marketing Subcommittee
Biosyst Systematics Teaching Team Communication
Botany-all [no description available]
Botany-phd Botany PhD
Botany-staff [no description available]
Bplan [no description available]
BPP-facilitators [no description available]
BradleyReview [no description available]
Brain [no description available]
Buddha-Dharma Armidale & Area Buddhist Information
Bus-osse300500 [no description available]
Business_all [no description available]
Business_hdr [no description available]
Business_hdrstudents [no description available]
Business_staff [no description available]
Cardusers [no description available]
Casi-team [no description available]
Childsymposium [no description available]
Civilenvengacademics [no description available]
Civilenvenggeneralstaff [no description available]
CNC Community Network Committee
Courseloop-community [no description available]
COVID-19_Academic_Response_Team [no description available]
CPSU UNE Staff members in The General Staff Union
CREC-members List for the Centre for Research in International Education and Sustainability
Crnmembers [no description available]
CS-matters Computer Science Matters
CSA UNE Chinese Student Association
Curriculum_Committee [no description available]
CWG2012FOL Courses Working Group PR2012FOL
De-students [no description available]
Deviance Sociological Approaches to Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice
Duxopsc [no description available]
DuxSteeringCommittee CAUC Phase 3 Steering Committee including optional attendees
Dvcsg [no description available]
Earthsciacademics [no description available]
Earthscigeneralstaff [no description available]
Earthscipostgrads [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtacademics [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtgeneral [no description available]
Ecosystemmgtpostgrad [no description available]
EcosystemServicesNetwork Ecosystem Services Network
Ed-action [no description available]
Edcx Education Contexts TRG list
Edenterpriseteam [no description available]
Edu-acadgen [no description available]
Edu-all [no description available]
Edu-cas [no description available]
Edu-cas-curric [no description available]
Edu-cas-ece [no description available]
Edu-cas-lpdi [no description available]
Edu-cas-stem [no description available]
Edu-other [no description available]
Edu-postgrad [no description available]
Edu-workload [no description available]
Enviro-collective [no description available]
Enviroweeds [no description available]
Epcalumni [no description available]
eResearchers [no description available]
ERS-Research-Casuals ERS-Research-Casuals
Ers-tech-officers [no description available]
ERS-UnitAssistance-Casuals ERS-UnitAssistance-Casuals
Ersacademic Environmental and Rural Science Academic Staff
Ersecr [no description available]
Ersgeneralstaff Environmental and Rural Science Professional (General) Staff
Ershonorary-adjunct Environmental and Rural Science Honorary_Adjunct Staff
Ershonours Environmental and Rural Science Honours Students
Erspostgrad Environmental and Rural Science Postgraduate Students
Eso-olx [no description available]
Faculty-HASSE [no description available]
FacultyADR Faculty Assistant Director Research
Facultyofmh-faculty-staff [no description available]
FacultyofSABL Faculty of SABL Staff LIst
Feds [no description available]
Fgirgerm German Academic Reading
Flexibleonline The mailing list for Flexible and online learning (FOL)
Fren2 For students of 2nd year French language at UNE
Fs10 [no description available]
GAPS A mailing list that is used to inform members of the Geography and Planning Society
GISUserGroup [no description available]
Graduates [no description available]
Hanover-research [no description available]
Hass-cas-archclashist [no description available]
Hass-cas-creartcom [no description available]
Hass-cas-gepl [no description available]
Hass-cas-litlangcult [no description available]
Hass-cas-spi [no description available]
Hass-casualstaff [no description available]
Hass-honorarystaff [no description available]
Hasschat [no description available]
Hasse-adjuncts [no description available]
Hasse-cas-all [no description available]
Hasshdrcandidates [no description available]
Hdr-supervisors [no description available]
Healthandsafetyg4 [no description available]
Healthhdrstudents Health HDR Students
Healthsupervisors [no description available]
Helpdesktest [no description available]
Higher-education-inthemedia Daily media coverage of the higher education sector
Highered [no description available]
Homereaders [no description available]
Honours-st see st-honours
HoS Heads of School
hrms-users [no description available]
I330 [no description available]
Iipm [no description available]
Imsa-une UNE Mosque
Indians_UNE For Indians at UNE and in Armidale
Indoorsoccer Info for lunchtime soccer at SportUNE 1pm Mon Wed Fri
Info-nucleus For staff with the Sheep CRC Information Nucleus
Inplace-list [no description available]
Insectecologylab Insect Ecology Lab updates and notices
ISemail International Students
Itdnotifications [no description available]
Iteca [no description available]
Itsdtestlist [no description available]
Jclub [no description available]
JCS Japanese Cultural Society
Lagoons_heritage Cultral landscapes research: Lagoons
Lambs Lambs
Latinos Latino Americans in Armidale
Law_students_2020 [no description available]
Lawcasualstaff [no description available]
Lawhdrstudents [no description available]
Lawstaff Strictly for staff of the Law School
LDD [no description available]
LearningFutures [no description available]
LearningSupport [no description available]
Leemembers [no description available]
Library Library Staff List
Libraryplus Library staff plus extras
Lt-ops [no description available]
Marketing-staff [no description available]
Maths-problems [no description available]
Mba731-mal [no description available]
Mcbooth [no description available]
McClymont [no description available]
MemorialCultureNetwork [no description available]
Mental_health_research_group [no description available]
Mentor AWE support for mentoring
Moodle-mentors [no description available]
Mpa-engagement [no description available]
Mpatest [no description available]
natcinemas COMM383 Film Genre
Nationaldays [no description available]
Nauru-Students [no description available]
Nercha [no description available]
NETEN Nambucca Education, Training and Employment Network
New-England-Muslims New England Muslims
Nsw-seqld-schools [no description available]
NTEU-discussion [no description available]
Nurses Nursing Lecturers
Nursing-Course-Team [no description available]
Odlaa-memb For members of Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia
Openaccess [no description available]
Ozentomology Forum for Australian entomologists
PAA Power and Authority reading group
paf PaF is the mailing list of UNE and Community for Peace and Freedom
Palaeoscience_research_centre Palaeoscience Research Centre Mailing List
Pargstaff [no description available]
Pdaloccupants [no description available]
Peace [no description available]
PGradAssoc The UNE Posgraduate Student Association promotes the welfare and quality of services for postgraduate students at UNE.
policy-official News about updated, new or retired UNE Policies
Post-harvest [no description available]
Postgrads-st See st-postgrads
postgradsHDR UNE Postgraduate HDR Students
Prism [no description available]
Professoriate UNE Professoriate email list
Profpsych-placement-coordinators [no description available]
PSC [no description available]
Psych-clinical-team Psychology Clinical Team
Psychclinicstudents Psychology Clinic Students
Publicationgroup List for members of publications group
Publicity UNE PR Office
Pvcer-staff [no description available]
PWG2012FOL [no description available]
Raptor [no description available]
Res-services [no description available]
Research_Committee [no description available]
Researchparticipation001 [no description available]
Researchparticipation002 [no description available]
Researchparticipation003 [no description available]
Researchparticipation004 [no description available]
Researchparticipation005 [no description available]
Researchparticipation006 [no description available]
Researchparticipation007 [no description available]
Researchparticipation008 [no description available]
Researchparticipation009 [no description available]
Researchparticipation010 [no description available]
RIA Research Integrity Advisors - RIA
Runride-l Early morning run/ride group
Sanctuary [no description available]
Sarg [no description available]
Sc-CustomerService Staff members in SC Customer Service
SC2012FOL [no description available]
School-arts-research [no description available]
School-of-hass [no description available]
SchoolofEducation [no description available]
SEstaff Student Experience Business Unit
Sgadatabase Discussion of Sheep Genetics Australia database and development issues
Shum-adjuncts Adjuncts and Honoraries (Humanities)
Shut_up_and_write Academic writing tips and tricks for researchers
SiMERR-Admins SiMERR's Admin staff
SiMERR-All SiMERR staff
Simerr-list [no description available]
SiMERR-Notifications [no description available]
Simerr-qs List for SiMERR QuickSmart operational staff
sis-team [no description available]
SoLAnews [no description available]
Sos [no description available]
SoTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Srm-hdr-research [no description available]
Srm-mim SRM Stakeholders
st-academicstaff Academic staff in S&T
st-adjunct Adjunct staff in S&T
St-cas-biomed st-cas-BIOMED (Biomedical Science)
St-cas-chemphys st-cas-CHEMPHYS (Chemistry & Physics)
St-cas-compsci st-cas-COMPSCI (Computer Science)
St-cas-excsc st-cas-EXCSCI (Exercise and Sport Science)
St-cas-mathstat st-cas-MATHSTAT (Mathematics & Statistics)
st-honours Honours students in Science & Technology
st-postgrads Postgrad Students in Science & Technology
st-staff School of Science & Technology staff
st-tutors [no description available]
Staff-reps-unecouncil-news [no description available]
staff-ST See st-staff
StAlbertsAlumni St Albert's College Alumni Members
State_Super [no description available]
strategic-ohs Strategic Committee UNE OH&S
Studentcentre-it [no description available]
Swimfit [no description available]
Talloires Sustainability at UNE
Iipm [no description available]
Teaching_Learning_Committee Teaching and Learning Committee
Testlist [no description available]
Thea-313 This is the 2002 on-line discussion group for students of Theatre Studies 313.
Thea301 The Classic Play and Performance Now
Thea317 Australian Theatre History
Thehub [no description available]
tlcstaff Staff members of TLC
Toastmasters New England Toastmasters
Transmx [no description available]
Trimusers UNE TRIM Users
UES U.N.E. Economics & Business Society
uescouncil [no description available]
une-cms UNE Web Content Management System Information
Une-eb This list is for Enterprise Bargaining discussions only.
Une-employment [no description available]
Une-events List for UNE announcements and notifications
Une-ideas [no description available]
Une-isa International Students' Association
UNE-peopleandculture [no description available]
Une-research Research Grants Information
Une-scuba UNE Scuba Club mailing list
Une-systems-bulletins [no description available]
Une-travel-notifications [no description available]
Une_leadership_2008 Leadership 2008
UNEGreens A Part of the National Greens on Campus Network
uneinthemedia UNE's daily news summary
Unemacdev UNE Macintosh Developers Forum
Unentas-happenings UNE and Northern Tablelands Astronomical Society
Uneoac The UNE Outdoor Adventure Club
UNESEX UNE Sexualities Research Group
unesis-list UNESIS Users
Unesmart UNE Student Marketing & Recruitment Team
unets UNE Third Space
Uneunderwaterhockey [no description available]
UnicefUL Unicef University Liason email list
Unifinone FinOne User Group
Unitdatabase [no description available]
Unix-questions [no description available]
Unsupported-devices [no description available]
URP-jobs Information on jobs in planning
Water-harvest [no description available]
wg1-ohs Working Group 1 UNE OH&S
wg8-ohs Working Group 8 UNE OH&S
Women_in_leadership women_in_leadership
Womenaded Women in Adult Education
Writeeveryday Get accountability to build a Daily Writing habit.
Writing-support-group [no description available]
wvstudents Wright Village Students
Year-three-srm-2016 [no description available]
Year4tcs2017 [no description available]
Year5tcs2017 [no description available]
Zoology-academic [no description available]
Zoology-adjunct [no description available]
Zoology-general-staff [no description available]
Zoology-hdr [no description available]
Zoology-research-project-staff [no description available]
Zoologyalumni Zoologyalumni

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